We deliver high quality engineering consulting and project management services for a wide spectrum of clients
ASG Consulting Limited is an engineering consultant in Hong Kong since 2004, we offer a comprehensive range of services to a wide spectrum of clients worldwide. Our staff specialise in buildings, geotechnical, tunnels and shafts, village house development. ASG has in-house Registered Geotechnical Engineer and Structural Engineer to obtain approval on a variety of projects in Hong Kong.
ASG consultancy services cover the broad areas of Buildings, Geotechnical, Tunnels & Shafts, Village House Development.
ASG building consultancy covers the design of structural works and civil engineering works for new building projects and redevelopments…
ASG geotechnical consultancy covers the geotechnical design and supervision of civil engineering and building projects throughout the life cycle of a project…
Tunnels and Shafts
ASG tunnels and shafts consultancy covers the geotechnical and structural design of projects involving the construction of tunnels, caverns and shafts…
Village House Development
ASG village house development consultancy covers the government applications and design for the New Territory Exempted House …
Key Person Experience
Our staff specialise in building, geotechnical, tunnels & shafts, and village house development. ASG offers services of Authorised Person, Registered Structural Engineer and Registered Geotechnical Engineer to obtain endorsement on a variety of projects in Hong Kong.
Ir Ricky WK Yim
Managing Director
Mr. Yim is a professional civil and geotechnical engineer with over 20 years of experience providing technical input, design and project management, independent checking engineer services at various stages of a project from preliminary design, detailed design, tender design, construction supervision, to final account stages for a numerous number of large scale civil engineering projects across North and South East Asia regions but primarily in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Australia, Indonesia, Brunei...
Professional Awards And Affiliations
Council Member of HKIE Council – by election in 2014 for a four year term (2014/15 to 2017/18)
Co-opted Member of HKIE Finance & Investment Committee (2016/17)
Co-opted Member of HKIE Management Committee (2016/17)
Co-opted Member of HKIE Young Members Committee (2016/17)
Co-opted Member of HKIE Transactions Committee (2015/16)
Co-opted Member of HKIE AP RSE RGE Committee (2014/15)
Co-opted Member of HKIE CPD Committee (2014/15)
Vice President of NTUAA(CG)HK (2012 onwards)
1st Prize Winner of the Trainee of the Year Award - as the Head of the Graduate Scheme "A" Training Provider (2015)
Project of the Year 2010 – Admiralty Station Detailed Design
FHKIE - Fellow Member of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (2015 onwards)
RGE - Registered Geotechnical Engineer (2010 onwards)
R.P.E. (Geotechnical) - Registered Professional Engineer - Geotechnical (2008 onwards)
R.P.E. (Civil) - Registered Professional Engineer - Civil (2007 onwards)
MHKIE/G - Member of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers - Geotechnical Discipline (2006 onwards)
MHKIE/C - Member of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers - Civil Discipline (2005 onwards)
MICE - Member of Institution of Civil Engineers (2004 - 2006)
Gordon Kwok
Geotechnical Lead
CGeol - Chartered Geologist of the Geological Society of London (2014 onwards)
FGS - Fellow of the Geological Society (2014 onwards)
MAusIMM - Chartered Professional of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (2011 onwards)
MIOM3 - Corporate Member of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (2003 onwards)
EFG - European Geologists of the European Federation of Geologists (2003 onwards)
AIPG(CPGeol) - Certified Professional Geologist of the American Institute of Professional Geologists (2003 onwards)
Ir HS Chan
Tunnel Lead
CEng - Chartered Engineer, Engineering Council, UK ( 1990 onwards)
MIOM3 - Member of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (1990 onwards)
MHKIE/G - Member of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers - Geotechnical Discipline (1992 onwards)
R.P.E. (Geotechnical) - Registered Professional Engineer - Geotechnical (1993 onwards)
Certified Professional Geologist, the Geological Society of Hong Kong (2003 onwards)