Tunnels and Shafts
ASG tunnels and shafts consultancy covers the geotechnical and structural design and supervision of civil engineering projects related to the construction of tunnels, caverns and shafts throughout the life cycle of a project. ASG’s key staff has extensive experience in all types of tunnels including metro tunnel, rail tunnel, drainage tunnel, road tunnel and utility tunnel. Full range of tunnels and shaft consultancy services can be offered, from determination of tunnel and shafts, site investigation, tunnel alignment design, tunnelling strategy, tunnelling method selection, tunnel design and analysis, tunnel portal site formation, excavation and lateral system, instrumentation and monitoring, and blasting assessment. We also offer the service of Authorized Persons (AP) /Registered Geotechnical Engineers (RGE) under Building Ordinance for tunnel design submission and supervision. Our team is particularly experience in coming up with innovative tunnel and shaft t solutions which are safer to build even in congested built up area, with lower capital and long-term maintenance costs.
TBM Tunnels (TBM Tunnel Spaceproofing, TBM Tunnel Machine Selection, TBM Tunnel Launching Strategy, Tunnel Lining Design, Tunnel Drainage Design, Existing Building Impact Assessment, Grouting Design, Building Protection Design)
Drill and Blast Tunnels & Caverns (D&B Tunnel/Cavern Spaceproofing, Tunnel/Cavern Primary and Secondary Lining Support Design, Tunnel Drainage Design, Blast Risk Assessment, Existing Building Impact Assessment)
Portal, Soft/Mixed ground Tunnels (NATM Tunnel Support Design, Tunnel Drainage Design, Grouting Design, Existing Building Impact Assessment)
Soft Shaft and Hard Shaft (Site formation and Excavation and Support Design, Blast Risk Assessment, Existing Building Impact Assessment)
Expert Advices, Tender Design and Tender Submission Support, Alternative Design, Independent Checking Engineer (ICE) services (with PII>20m) ICE services is provided for reviewing the Contractor’s design and endorsing design certificates; carrying out site inspection and endorsing the certificate of completion of works; etc., Design Approval Submission to BD/GEO, TCP Site Supervision.